'REQUESTNOTIFY "No active downloads on 'curbbs.BBSNAME'." "Ok"'
if totsize > 0 then do
xfertime = totsize / 8 * 9 / cpsrate
xfermin = trunc(xfertime / 60)
xfersec = trunc(xfertime // 60)
reqbody = 'Statistics on active downloads at 'curbbs.BBSNAME':\n\n'numfiles 'files counting 'totsize' bytes ('totsize/1024'kb).\n\nTransfertime at 'cpsrate' characters per second:\nApproximately 'xfermin' minute(s) and 'xfersec' second(s).'
if notfound > 0 then reqbody = reqbody'\n\n'notfound' file(s) were not found in the file database.'
else do
if notfound > 0 then reqbody = 'None of the files were found in the file database.'